We are heading to Disney World in less than 2 weeks and it just makes sense to use it. I wouldn't want to be forced to ride in a stroller for hours and HOURS while my brother and all of my cousins get to walk. I would want to walk with them...and I know Jett feels the same way. I let him pick between the dog or the monkey in the store. He wanted the monkey. He held it all the way to the register and wouldn't let the lady put it in the bag. He couldn't wait for me to open it once we got in the car. I think he likes it!! I snapped this picture before we even made it out of the parking lot!

Only time will tell if he still loves it once he figures out that it will prevent him from "exploring" so "independently"...running from us, in other words. :)
I tried that with Raphael. We were going to ZooLights, which is totally blacked out and very crowded and I was afraid I'd lose him. He ran around in circles when I put it on him and threw a major fit. It got donated the next weekend. I should have done what you did and gotten his buy-in. Oh well, lesson learned :-)