Last night, while washing my hair, I kept stepping on little bath toys that somehow had made it into the bottom of our stand up shower in the master bathroom. My initial thought was "Geez, I can not wait until I can have my bathroom back to myself!"(well, and Matt of course) Then...I stopped mid-thought and realized how sad of a day that really would be. To not have bath toys in my shower would have to mean that my boys would be too big for bath toys, too independent to want to bathe in our bathroom at all. And, I know that day is quickly approaching. How sad the day will be when I won't hear their sweet voices in the middle of the night or the day when I won't have to walk to the bus stop, or scrub muddy baseball pants until my hands hurt. How lonely I will be to not have someone little always here that wants to play games with me or dance around the living room. Time is passing so quick and even quicker the next day. I thank God for this realization though. So this afternoon, tomorrow, next month and so on, I hope to be able to cherish these little "hassles" that I know will disapper well before I am ready. I want to think of them as little treasures and be able to remember them always. I take lots of pictures because I do know that we often forget. We forget LOTS. Especially lots of the "little" events...like simply playing outside in the yard or hugging a grandparent. My hope is that my boys will miss these little events too one day and be so thankful for all the pictures. Here are some from our outside play yesterday afternoon. Drew wanted me to get a shot of him jumping the curb on his scooter and did it over and over until I could get a good one of him in the air! :) Love that kid!
This is the scooter Popsy and G-mommy gave him for Christmas. It *SPARKS* and he thinks it is the coolest thing EVER!