and this is Kitty...I hope they stay in touch because I absolutely adore her!
He and Gracee Beth became great friends! I know we will see her again!
and this was our attempt at a family picture...

My sweet Jett will be one tomorrow. ONE. It seems impossible! Today someone asked me how old he was and I said 11 months. For a brief second I thought about saying "He's one" but I just couldn't bring myself to say it. It just sounds so - not a baby anymore. I guess I could say 12 months. Then I may turn into the mom that says in a few years that he's 36 months! I had so much fun throwing his first birthday party yesterday. He is one loved 12 month old!
These were so worth the time they took!
Every monkey needs a monkey cup.
Birthday Boy!
Builing their monkeys...
Drew and Tyler
Cake time!
Playing in the jumpy...
Brother showing Jett how to play with his new Pirate water table.
I can't wait for all the new things he will learn this year as a big ONE year old. I'm sure this year will go by just as quick and soon enough I'll be writing about how it's just impossible for him to be two, but I'm not going to think about that right now. I'm just going to cherish my sweet baby...and I just might always call him that, even when he's 345 months old.

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