Oh, the many hats we wear. Today, it's nurse hat day. It was suppose to be dolled up wife day since we were going to a wedding and then a wine tasting with some friends, but well, sometimes nurse hat day surprises you.

Matt went to bed fine last night. (side note) At some point in the middle of the night, Drew came and got in our bed. Even though it's "our bed" he ends up glued to MY back. Every time. So when he wet the bed about 5:00 this morning, he wet me too. Such a nice way to wake up. (end side note) So while Drew and I were sleeping on the couch, Matt woke up not feeling well, but left for work anyhow and then ended up going to see the dr. When I got his text after we woke that simply said "got strep", I was a little confused. He is home sleeping now.
Jett has had a consistently runny nose for what seems like a month now. Yesterday he had gunky eyes and a cough. So I got the kids ready and took him to the dr this morning too. Sinus infection. Better than pink eye though...atleast in my opinion. He was prescribed the antibiotic that turns his poop red. (Which they did not tell me the first time he had to take it and I freaked at the sight of the spaghetti sauce looking filled diaper. Gross, I know, but you didn't have to change it!) He is home sleeping now.
Drew is actually quietly watching a movie...that he surprisingly turned on himself. The beginning stages of independence are really nice! I'm sure he'll enjoy serving Daddy his soup in bed later and loving on his sick little brother.
So, I'm off to wash sheets, take temps and cook soft things for my family...just don't start ringing a bell for me. This nurse hat can be changed at any second!