I, for one, am a self proclaimed imperfect person. Boy, am I ever! I humbly tell you that recently I have received a few compliments from some VERY kind ladies telling me that I always seem like I have it all together. Psshh...If they only knew. I graciously told them thanks and then told them I always wanted to be an actress. I certainly am so incredibly far from having it together. Let me explain(and I can not believe that I am posting this picture)...this is me:
In no make-up, tired of my sick baby crying so I put him in a sling that is too small just so I don't have to hold him constantly or listen to him scream, Drew is watching tv- which I let him do way too often, I just restarted the washing machine because I forgot about it and it has been sitting for 2 days (and you know that smell that starts to leak out of the laundry room- not pleasant),...I'm bossy, and impatient, hard headed and challenging. With all of these shortcomings, Matt loves me, the imperfect me, the me that forgets about the laundry and wants to play outside instead of do my mommy chores...even though these shortcomings frustrate the fire out of him, I know he loves me regardles...he sees the imperfect person perfectly. (Or he's a really good actor!)
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