The title is typed in caps because I'm screaming with excitement! WE HAVE A ROUTINE!!!I'm so excited because 1) we've never really had one before 2) it's working like a charm 3) I'm realizing how much I was missing my nights with Matt! All those years of Drew going to bed about the same time we did apparently took it's toll on us.
Here it is:
6:15AM Wake up Drew for school/breakfast/get ready
6:55AM Out the door to the bus stop (which is just two driveways up)
6:00PM Dinner
7:00PM Bath
7:30PM Jett's bedtime
8:00PM Drew's bedtime
Drew started Kindergarten last week. My days that were once filled with constant noise are much different now. My house is cleaner and my patience is in excellent shape! But, all the clean quietness aside...I miss my big boy terribly when he is gone. It has certainly been an adjustment for us all. Even Matt, who used to wake up way before us and head out the door for work, now has a house full of hustle and bustle in the wee hours of the morning!
I could go on for days about how sad, glad, excited and scared to death I am to have a new kindergartner, but I think it's pretty obvious, so I won't bore you. (Personally, I don't want to sit here and sob as I I'll just leave it at that.)
Here is Drew on the first day of Kindergarten:

It's a little blurry, because he was so excited to run to the car, that he gave me one shot to get it right and this is how it turned out. I'm sad to not have a better picture.
And, just for kicks, this is Drew this time last year on the first day of Pre-K:

And (my favorite of all so far), this is the year before that on the first day of his 3 yr old preschool class:

As he grows before our eyes, I pray that God has his hand on his life, that he will grow into a warrior for Christ and live everyday loving all people. Oh, how I LOVE this kid!!