Jett enjoyed a yummy, messy candy cane while I forced him to stay in the stroller during this excitement.

Christmas service at church was awesome! Drew wasn't very excited to sing on stage though, which is not like him at all. I had to bribe him with a chocolate milkshake just to get him up there. I guess we all have moments of not wanting to be front and center sometimes. He was still cute, even if he sat there pouting the whole time.

The past few years, our church has put together an outreach event called "Hope for Christmas" where they provide toys to needy families. It is much more than that though. The families come to the church and participate in a huge Christmas party. Santa is there, arts and crafts, jumpys for the kids and a secret santa shop so the kids can each pick out a gift for their parents. This year we provided gifts to over 4,000 children in 1,500 different families. God had his hands ALL over that event and I am so grateful I got to be involved in it. We serve an awesome God!
Christmas Eve came too fast this year! Awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus AND the Tooth Fairy, I though Drew would want to go bed early. What on Earth was I thinking?? We pulled up the Santa Tracker online and I told him that Santa's next stop was Georgia and our house would get skipped if he didn't go to sleep. I should have done that 2 hours earlier, because he ran to bed. He woke up to bunk beds and a new tv in the middle of the living room and $10 under his pillow. (He is now missing all four of his front teeth!)

Jett had a new kitchen/grill waiting for him to climb all over.

Then the magic started! It started to SNOW!!! Atlanta hasn't had a white Christmas in 30 something years!! The boys couldn't wait to walk next door to my parents house so they could be outside in it for even just a second.
New Years Eve was spent out with friends. We had a blast!
Getting up at 6AM wasn't easy New Years Day. We had to leave early to go to the annual MudBog. Matt's brother has been building a giant mud truck for some time now and the boys were so excited to put that sucker in the mud hole!
And, after this exhausting fun, Matt's Aunt took some fun family pictures of us, which Drew cried and pouted all the way through. We were able to get a grin in at least a few, thankfully. Doesn't it always seem like there is so much drama and trials to get everyone to sit together and act happy just for a picture!!?? Here are some of the best:
I wish all of you a wonderful, fulfilling, prosperous 2011!!
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