I remember January 10, 2005 still so vividly. I woke up about 4AM with some cramping. Having no idea what labor pains felt like and being 2 weeks early, I tried to play it cool. Matt got up and went to work about 6:30 and I then got up and drove myself to work about 8:30. All along, the cramping continued. I wasn't hungry, but forced myself to eat some crackers once I got to my desk. I didn't do much all morning, but wonder if I was over reacting. My best work friend, Mary Jane, sat with me. At 2:00PM, she drove me to the hospital. I had been 3 times before already with false labor, so I really didn't want to call Matt at work yet. When I did finally call him, I swear I could hear his eyes rolling at the sound of my scared voice saying I was at the hospital waiting for someone to check me. I had a sweet nurse, Stephanie, that could tell I didn't want to leave again without my baby in my arms! She made me walk the halls of that hospital for two hours. Matt showed up just in time to hear the words "We're keeping her...you're going to have a baby!" I was in my room by 6:00PM and my family and friends were all arriving. It was a big party in the delivery room. Drew already had so many fans and people so eager to love him and hold him and support him through the life he had yet to enter in to. People came and went for hours.

While most were sleeping in the waiting room, at 2:32AM, on January 11th, Andrew James Conner entered this world. This crazy, fun, scary world. (I'll spare you the not pleasant details and visuals of me pushing for what felt like hours...)He was 8lbs even and had a head of dark hair.

He was perfect. I was a mom; Matt was a dad...and we were a family. It was absolutely the most wonderful feeling I had ever felt.

And I couldn't wait to leave that hospital with my baby finally in my arms!

We had no idea, then, what kind of kid he'd be. I remember walking around the living room holding him in the middle of the night as he cried that sweet newborn cry and softly singing to him and thinking the whole time about who he'd grow up to be, sure that he'd be something great!
He has brought so much love, humor and innocent laughter into our lives. He is smart. He catches on fast and doesn't forget. He's passionate and strong-willed. Generous and stubborn. He has gorgeous eyes and a strong grip. He's a sore loser like his dad, but will let you win at checkers if he's beat you over and over. He's something great. God knew exactly who he'd be.
On Tuesday, while we were snowed in, we made a cake to celebrate his special day.

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