They were having such a fun time! Jett loves steering wheels and slides so he was in Heaven!
Until...he was standing at the top of the 3 metal steps here...
and the next thing I knew he was tumbling head first down them. It was horrible. He was screaming; I scooped him up as quickly as I could, but I knew it was bad. I ripped my favorite scarf from around my neck and pressed it tightly onto his bleeding forhead. Running past the now long line of Santa waiters, yelling for Drew to follow me, I went straight to the familiar faces I knew. I'm sure I freaked them out as I ran up behind them crying and carrying my bleeding, screaming child. We have some family friends that work this event every year, and she was there to grab my keys and take charge. Leaving her daughters to take pictures, she drove us to the ER.
A cookie from the bottom of the diaper bag helped calm Jett down and I called Matt at work and his mom to meet us there. He was no longer crying when we pulled up to the front doors. Me? Well, I was a little better. They took us back quickly and evaluated him. By the look on the nurse's face, the notorious train sends the Kennestone Pediatric ER lots of victims. This is what his head looked like after they cleaned it up a bit (sorry, I know it's graphic)...

Calmed and given some apple juice, so clueless as to what he was about to go through.

After 45 minutes of a few numbing gel doses, the nurse brought in the papoose. This is when it got even harder. They strapped him down. I am so glad Matt's mom was in the room with me.

The doctor started working and Jett ended up crying himself to sleep about 5 stitches in. Which actually made me feel a *little* better knowing he obviously wasn't feeling it. He ended up with 11 stitches total. The cut was deep, all the way to his skull, the doctor said. So he has stitches under the skin and on top.

But afterwards, he was smiling his happy Jett smile. Today, one day later, you can't tell anything is wrong. He is spinning around in circles in the living room and attempting somersaults on the rug (which I am not allowing him to do and is ticking him off).
So this was our eventful Santa vist...minus the Santa visit. We'll try again next weekend, although pass on playing on the train, this time.